2023-2024 CCA Grants

Planets of Perception
Nidaa Aboulhosn

Nidaa Aboulhosn and Jessica Bardsley explore how people construct and deconstruct the world. Where Aboulhosn contemplates the structures of perception and the status of reality, Bardsley explores unconscious worlds that take on a reality of their own.

MFA NYC Exhibition 2024
Rene Benda

A collective art exhibition consisting of current MFA students showcasing their final projects.

Come As You Are
Xak Bjerken

A performance with the leading classical saxophonist, Steven Banks, and Cornell’s Wind Ensemble, including a performance of his work Comes As You Are, based on spirituals and gospel tunes.

Dewey Decimal System
Mia Brown-Seguin

Student-curated exhibition that continues the tradition of showcasing handmade books developed by Marsha Taichman in 2020.

Investigation in Abortion in Feminist Artwork
Skylar Bush

An exploration of the techniques used to depict abortion in feminist artwork.

Laura Cetilia

An interactive installation will give the Cornell community the unique opportunity to act as DJs, remixing music (originally composed by Laura Cetilia) produced on custom made lathe cut records.

Jackson Chapin

An exhibition curating a group of eclectic objects in order to deconstruct our habituation of them.

The Ithaca Department of Arts & Futures: A Coalition and Celebration for the World to Come
Andrew Colpitts

A one-day coalition and celebration for the world to bring together arts workers, sustainability specialists, land-centered stakeholders, and the public to imagine what a more ecological culture might feel like for our community.

Mostly Blank Pages
Coral Douglas

A documented network of offline books centered around local conversations and mementos, inspiring the premiere of a new piece of music. This piece will utilize the philosophy of free speech alongside Robert Greenleaf’s servant leadership to create meaningful community-based art.

TAK Ensemble: Creativity, Vision, and Experimentation
Experimental Sound Series at Cornell

The ESSC residency with TAK Ensemble, culminating eight new music premieres in Barnes Hall in Fall 2023.

Language in Flux: Creative Exploration of Identity through Dance and Music
Seare Farhat

Cornell doctoral composers, visiting PMA faculty member Danielle Russo, and dance students will collaborate to create and perform new dance-musical works addressing the complex relationships between communication, language, and creative practice.

Emahoy Tsege-Mariam Gebru at 100
Thomas Feng

Over two days, a series of concerts and talks celebrating the legacy of Ethiopian composer and nun Emahoy Tsege-Mariam Gebru, in commemoration of her 100th birthday on December 12, 2022.

Sunshine Village Project
Jason Gama Bezerra de Albuquerque Jr

The Sunshine Village Project photo book sheds light on the impact of tropical storms on low-income communities and intertwines art, architecture, and urban planning to spark dialogue on climate change.

Garments of the East and the West
Kylie Gillen

The design and creation of two garments inspired by my Western and Eastern heritage. The garments will be presented at Cornell’s annual fashion show.

Prior Restraint: Fashion and Freedom of Expression
Denise Green

A curated exhibition that explores how symbolic speech and expressive conduct through fashion and art have shaped and revealed the limits and possibilities of freedom of expression.

The History of the Gayogo_hó?no'
Emily Hernandez

A mural that retells the history of the Gayagohono nation in the Fingerlakes region, from the Sullivan-Clinton Campaign to the present day. The mural highlights the colonization and decolonization of the land and the history of the Gayagohono people.

A Physicist Is...
Natasha Holmes

This project uses digital and print media to represent the diversity of who does physics and what physicists do.

Paper and Clay: craft, community, art and dissolving boundaries
Julianne Hunter

An exploration and hands-on investigation in paper and clay as they relate and embody craft, community, art and dissolving boundaries.

No Boundaries: An Artist Residency with 9 Horses Trio
Ariana Kim

3-day residency removing the boundaries between folk art and fine art at the intersection of jazz, rock, folk, and Western art music traditions. Hosted by the Dept. of Music, the 9 Horses Trio is a cross-genre collective featuring mandolin, fiddle, and bass; jam session, open rehearsal, and show.