Cornell Council for the Arts Calls for Entries, 2022 Cornell Biennial, “Futurities, Uncertain,” Fall 2022
In Fall 2022, the Cornell Council for the Arts (CCA) will host the fifth Cornell Biennial around the theme, “Futurities, Uncertain.” CCA seeks proposals from faculty and students for artworks, performances, and design interfaces that will feature artistic expressions and provocations of justice in society and community, ecology and the biosphere, as well as technology and digitality across the imaginary, the natural, the built, the cultural, and the political. Through celebratory imaginations and enactments of Futurities, Uncertain, the 2022 Cornell Biennial will stage an artistic call and response to counter singular utopic models, colonial visions, and socio-cultural sameness. Inspired by global artistic responses to technological and biopolitical hegemony, artistic futurities imagine cultural transformation in its plenitude. How might artistic imaginaries stage the potential of multiple futurities, thus rendering uncertain the confidence of the colonial past and the multinational present?
An exchange of artistic projects across the disciplines will animate the future differently: Future Cinema, Future Cities, Afrofuturism, ecological activism, artistic animisms, biological (r)evolution, poetic realism, abstract expression, sound fields, surviving species, feminist utopias, intermedialities, imagined gardens, and sacred spaces. Projects will ponder future blends of human, animal, and material just as they will reflect on fluid temporal movements between past, present, and future. How, today, might artists respond to the future demands of death, erosion, war, memory, migration, extinction, social oppression, digital obsolescence, and cultural terrorism? How might multiple artistic practices embrace the uncertainty of futurities to activate creativity, thought, and social justice anew?
Submission Deadline: January 28, 2022
Submission Details: cornellcca.slideroom.com
The Competition will be adjudicated by the Cornell Biennial Curatorial Committee: Timothy Murray, 2022 Cornell Biennial Curator and CCA Director; Ellen Avril, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art; Chris Csíkszentmihályi, Information Science; Renate Ferro, Art; Denise Green, Human Centered Design, Leslie Lok, Architecture; Jeff Palmer, Performing and Media Arts / American Indian and Indigenous Studies; Constanza Salazar, History of Art and Visual Studies; Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Literatures in English.
For further information, contact CCA Program Coordinator, Tina DuBois, tinadubois@cornell.edu.