A Physicist Is . . .
Natasha Holmes is the Ann S. Bowers Associate Professor of Physics at Cornell University and an expert in physics education research. She guides her lab in exploring teaching and learning in physics and other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses. Professor Holmes received funding in 2023-24 as part of the CCA Individual Grant Program to pursue a digital media project highlighting the diversity of physicists. Her team interviewed undergraduate physics alumni Victoria Gao, David Hackett, and Steven Santos (all B.A. ’12) and developed digital portraits and narratives for each interviewee. The resulting project showcases the range of careers and identities of physicists.
This project was a collaboration between students, faculty, and staff from the Department of Physics (CAS) and Architecture, Art, and Planning (AAP). Natasha Holmes advised on all project activities. Isabelle Jung (B.F.A. ’26) is pursuing her fine arts degree at AAP and created the physicist portraits and artwork. Abra Geiger (B.A. ’26) is a physics and math major and researched and interviewed the alumni physicists. Paula Epps-Cepero is the department manager in the Department of Physics, and in addition to overseeing the project logistics, assisted with the graphic design. Jenny Wurster is a teaching support specialist in the Department of Physics and advised on the profiles and design.
Sponsored and supported by the Department of Physics, the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, and Cornell Council for the Arts.