CCA Biennial Artist Kimsooja wins 2015 Ho-Am Foundation Prize

The Ho-Am Foundation
The Ho-Am Foundation
The Ho-Am Foundation

The CCA would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to CCA 2014 Biennial Artist-in-Residence Kimsooja for being selected to receive the 2015 Ho-Am Foundation Prize. The prize, won in the past by video artist Nam-June Paik, is presented each year to individuals who have contributed to academics, the arts, and social development, or who have furthered the welfare of humanity through distinguished accomplishments in their respective professional fields.  The Ho-Am Prize in each category consists of a certificate, a gold medal and 300mil. Korean won. Read more:

Although she has lived and worked in the United States since the 1990s, KImsooja was born in Korea and has traveled and worked on large projects there that trace some of her early experiences that have influenced her installations, performances and videos.

We are proud to have had such a distinguished and accomplished artist contribute to the arts at Cornell.

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